Out of the box cattle and grass management using IMG (Instinctive Migratory Grazing) to practice regenerative grazing without adding fences and using fewer water points.
Unlike most other low stress stockmanship schools, these are designed to let the students see, and take part in changing cattle behavior from grazing in small groups, to grazing together as a herd. This means the schools are five days long, At the end of the school, everyone has enough of a grasp on the different ways to start, turn and stop cattle with the least amount of stress possible.
The days begin by saddling up and being in the cattle shortly after sunup and not leaving them until after they have been placed on their afternoon grazing placement. Between discussion, demonstration, doing, observing the attitude, behavioral changes and discussing that, students generally achieve enough understanding to actually start applying it when they go home.
Because of the intensity of the classes, and the fact we are holding them in the pasture, rather than a smaller more controlled area, class size is limited to ten riders. Experience (in both attending and holding schools) has taught me it isn't a good idea for managers and owners to send employees without attending themselves. Too often cowboys feel they are being forced to learn something which they feel they already know. By management also attending, they are leading by example, which helps their crew want to learn, and allows management to know if the crew is correctly performing the stockmanship changes.
If you are interested in hosting a school in Mexico, contact Pedro Dominguez on Facebook. For schools in the USA and other countries email me. By inviting other ranches to attend, the overall cost will often be lower than attending a two day school with no hands on experience. For more information on what the methods are, visit my website or order my stockmanship video on Amazon. In the meantime, enjoy the teaser and trailer to the video below to get an idea of what you will learn in the school.