Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why The Reluctance?

I have a conundrum which I would like solved. You can help by commenting on this post.
While it has been proven that low stress cattle handling techniques increases profitability in several ways:
  1. Results in heavier shipping weights through less shrinkage during handling.
  2. Saves money in labor as fewer people can handle more cattle.
  3. Saves money in antibiotics as there are fewer calves.
  4. Lower morbidity rates result in lower mortality rates increasing the number of animals shipped.

In spite of these (proven) benefits ranchers and feedlot managers do not seem to be interested investing a minimal amount of time and money for their crews to learn them. I would like comments on why you (or cattlemen you know) are reluctant to give low stress cattle handling a try, and what it would take to get you (or them) to give it a try.

I am also going to extend my low risk offer through the month of July. Pay my round trip gas to your ranch and I'll spend a week teaching you and your crew. If you think you have not learned anything at the end of the week, or that your cattle are not handling better I go home empty handed. If you decide your crew did learn and that your cattle are handling better, you owe me an additional $1,800. 

 If you would like to take me up on this offer, give me a call at
 I'm looking forward to your comments and suggestions. For more information my website


  1. For some personalities there is the attitude of "Let's just get it done" and there is also a pre-conceived notion that these techniques are slow, touchy-feely, and can't work in their operation. Change is hard, but getting people to look at a new/different way is even harder.
    I use this process and wish I had learned it sooner.

  2. I think the main reason people incorrectly assume that these techniques are slower is due to some of the videos out there. The one I posted of two of the industry's best known clinician/educators does nothing more than prove to those who doubt, that the methods are indeed slower. Hopefully I will be able to do a few videos of my own in the coming months showing that they are actually faster and take fewer people to get the job done/
